Friday, June 28, 2013

PIANO emu 8086

; PIANO.ASM  [ - For DOS - ]
; Simple PC Speaker Piano Keyboard
; Freeware from Evenbit

.model tiny
        org     100h

main: jmp start
stor    dw      0               ;our memory location storage
; Turn the cursor off.
        call    curs_off        ;go turn off cursor
; Get a keypress from the user, and act accordingly.
; (We're checking U.S. keyboard scan codes here.)
        mov ah,01
        int 21h            ;call ROM BIOS keyboard services
        cmp     al,"1"            ;ESC key pressed?
        je      exit            ;yes, so go exit
        cmp     al,"2"
        je      tone_1
        cmp     al,"3"
        je      tone_2
        cmp     al,"4"
        je      tone_3
        cmp     al,"5"
        je      tone_4
        cmp     al,"6"
        je      tone_5
        cmp     al,"7"
        je      tone_6
        cmp     al,"8"
        je      tone_7
        cmp     al,"9"
        je      tone_8
        cmp     al,"a"
        je      tone_9
        cmp     al,"b"
        je      tone_0
        jmp     get_key         ;go get another keypress
        call    curs_on         ;go turn cursor on
        int     20h             ;exit to DOS
        mov     ax, 272
        mov     stor, ax
        call    sounder         ;go generate the tone
        jmp     get_key         ;go get another keypress
        mov     ax, 294
        mov     stor, ax
        call    sounder         ;go generate the tone
        jmp     get_key         ;go get another keypress
        mov     ax, 314
        mov     stor, ax
        call    sounder         ;go generate the tone
        jmp     get_key         ;go get another keypress
        mov     ax, 330
        mov     stor, ax
        call    sounder         ;go generate the tone
        jmp     get_key         ;go get another keypress
        mov     ax, 350
        mov     stor, ax
        call    sounder         ;go generate the tone
        jmp     get_key         ;go get another keypress
        mov     ax, 370
        mov     stor, ax
        call    sounder         ;go generate the tone
        jmp     get_key         ;go get another keypress
        mov     ax, 392
        mov     stor, ax
        call    sounder         ;go generate the tone
        jmp     get_key         ;go get another keypress
        mov     ax, 419
        mov     stor, ax
        call    sounder         ;go generate the tone
        jmp     get_key         ;go get another keypress
        mov     ax, 440
        mov     stor, ax
        call    sounder         ;go generate the tone
        jmp     get_key         ;go get another keypress
        mov     ax, 475
        mov     stor, ax
        call    sounder         ;go generate the tone
        jmp     get_key         ;go get another keypress

; Our sub-routines start here.
; Turn cursor off.
        mov     ch,10h          ;set bits to turn cursor off
        mov     ah,1            ;function 1 - cursor control
        int     10h             ;call ROM BIOS video services
        ret                     ;return to caller
; Turn cursor on.
        mov     cx,0506h        ;set bits to turn cursor on
        mov     ah,1            ;function 1 - cursor control
        int     10h             ;call ROM BIOS video services
        ret                     ;return to caller
; Generate sound through the PC speaker.

        mov     al,10110110b    ;load control word
        out     43h,al          ;send it
        mov     ax,stor         ;tone frequency
        out     42h,al          ;send LSB
        mov     al,ah           ;move MSB to AL
        out     42h,al          ;save it
        in      al,61h          ;get port 61 state
        or      al,00000011b   ;turn on speaker
        out     61h,al          ;speaker on now
        call    delay           ;go pause a little bit
        and     al,11111100b   ;clear speaker enable
        out     61h,al          ;speaker off now
        call    clr_keyb        ;go clear the keyboard buffer
        ret                     ;return to caller

        mov     ah,00h          ;function 0 - get system timer tick
        int     01Ah            ;call ROM BIOS time-of-day services
        add     dx,4            ;add our delay value to DX
        mov     bx,dx           ;store result in BX
        int     01Ah            ;call ROM BIOS time-of-day services
        cmp     dx,bx           ;has the delay duration passed?
        jl      pozz            ;no, so go check again
        ret                     ;return to caller
; Clear the keyboard buffer.
        push    es              ;preserve ES
        push    di              ;preserve DI
        mov     ax,40h          ;BIOS segment in AX
        mov     es,ax           ;transfer to ES
        mov     ax,1Ah          ;keyboard head pointer in AX
        mov     di,ax           ;transfer to DI
        mov     ax,1Eh          ;keyboard buffer start in AX
        mov     es: word ptr [di],ax   ;transfer to head pointer
        inc     di              ;bump pointer to...
        inc     di              ;...keyboard tail pointer
        mov     es: word ptr [di],ax   ;transfer to tail pointer
        pop     di              ;restore DI
        pop     es              ;restore ES
        ret                     ;return to caller
end main
     61H, AL


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. program hangs DOSBOX when you push '1' (EXIT)
    (i use TASM and TLINK)

    it shut down to dosbox properly, after some modifications:


    mov ah,01
    int 21h
    cmp al,"1"
    je tone_1
    cmp al,"2"
    je tone_2
    cmp al,"3"
    je tone_3
    cmp al,"4"
    je tone_4
    cmp al,"5"
    je tone_5
    cmp al,"6"
    je tone_6
    cmp al,"7"
    je tone_7
    cmp al,"8"
    je tone_8
    cmp al,"9"
    je tone_9
    cmp al,"0"
    je tone_0
    cmp al,"x"
    jmp exit
    jmp get_key ;go get another keypress


    mov ax,4c00h; return to (DOS)
    int 21h
    end main
    61H, AL

    exit in get_key: "je exit" to "jmp exit
    "exit:" in program is moved to end
    better management of buttons - sounds from 0 to 9
    program shut down after pushing any other key, and don't hangs dosbox now
