Monday, December 12, 2011

COMSCI 120 - Programming 4 (Visual Basic)

Subject Code and Title: COMSCI 120 - Programming 4 (Visual Basic)

Course Description:

            This course gives an overview of the Visual Basic programming language and its environment.

Course Objectives:

            Upon completion of the course, students are expected to:

1.    Understand the benefits of using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as an application development tool.
2.    Understand the Visual Basic event-driven programming concepts, terminology, and available tools.
3.    Learn the fundamentals of designing, implementing, and distributing a wide variety of Visual Basic applications.

Course Requirements:

1.    Major Examinations (Midterm/Final)
2.    Quizzes, Seatwork/Group Activities
3.    Machine Problems
4.    Assignments/Research Works

Grading System Used:

1.    Major Examinations (Midterm/Final)     - 40%
2.    Machine Problems                                            - 30%
3.    Quizzes/Seatwork/Group Activities                   - 20%                          
4.    Assignments/Research Works             - 10%

Statement of the Vision and Mission of UNP:

            UNP as a pioneering Center of World Class excellence for instruction in the humanities, the arts and the sciences; functional scientific, social and technological researches; relevant extension services and quality production towards improvement of graduates for sustainable development.

            Provide quality education through modernization, accreditation, and effective consultation and linkages; enhance research through expansion of commodity coverage and capacitation of faculty and staff members; intensify extension through provision of impact projects; and improve production through optional utilization of available resources making our graduates effective development managers and useful citizen in the community.

Objectives of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) Program:

The BSCS Program is designed to achieve the following:

1.    To help in the computer literacy program of the province in particular and in the country in general;
2.    To equip the clientele with the knowledge and skills in computer operations and computer systems so that they would become more efficient in computer software applications and programming and to be more effective teachers in computer education;
3.    To deepen the students’ understanding and appreciation in the use of computer and in computer software applications as offshoot to modern technology
4.    To appreciate the importance of computer  and information technology in the fields of education, business and in the daily life; and
5.    To support the current thrusts of the government to enhance people empowerment and global competitiveness.

Course Outline:
      A. Introduction to the Visual Basic Language and Environment
1.    A brief description of Visual Basic
2.    Visual Basic 6.0 versus Other Versions of Visual Basic
3.    Visual Basic 6.0 versus Other Versions of Visual Basic
4.    16 Bits versus 32 Bits
5.    Structure of a Visual Basic Application
6.    Steps in Developing Application
      B. The Visual Basic Language
1.    A Brief History of Basic
2.    Visual Basic Statements and Expressions
3.    Visual Basic Operators & Functions
4.    Visual Basic Symbolic Constants & Defining Your Own Constants
5.    Visual Basic Branching
          a. If Statements
                        a.1. Key Trapping
          b. Select Case
6.    The GoTo Statement
7.    Visual Basic Looping
a.  Do While/Loop
b.  Do Until/Loop
c.  Do/Loop While
d.  Do/Loop Until
8. Visual Basic Counting
      C. Exploring the Visual Basic Toolbox
1.  The Message Box
2.  Object Methods
3.  The Form Object
4.  Command Buttons
5.  Label Boxes
6.  Text Boxes
7.  Check Boxes
8.  Option Buttons
9.  Arrays
10.  Control Arrays
11.  Frames
12.  List Boxes
13.  Combo Boxes
      D. More Exploration of the Visual Basic Toolbox
1.  Display Layers
2.  Line Tool
3.  Shape Tool
4.  Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Bars
5.  Example 4-1: Temperature Conversion
6.  Picture Boxes
7.  Image Boxes
8.  Drive List Box
9.  Directory List Box
10.  File List Box
11.  Synchronizing the Drive, Directory, and File List Boxes
12.  Common Dialog Boxes
a.  Open Common Dialog Box
b.  Save As Common Dialog Box
      E. Creating a Stand-Alone Visual Basic Application
1.  Designing an Application
2.  Using General Sub Procedures in Applications
3.  Creating a Code Module
4.  Using General Function Procedures in Applications
5.  Quick Example: Temperature Conversion
6.  Quick Example: Image Viewer (Optional)
7.  Adding Menus to an Application
8.  Using Pop-Up Menus
9.  Assigning Icons to Forms
10.  Designing Your Own Icon with IconEdit
11.  Creating Visual Basic Executable Files
12.  Using the Visual Basic Package & Deployment Wizard
      F. Error-Handling, Debugging and File Input/Output
1.  Error Types
2.  Run-Time Error Trapping and Handling
3.  General Error Handling Procedure
4.  Debugging Visual Basic Programs
5.  Using the Debugging Tools
6.  Debugging Strategies
7.  Sequential Files
8.  Sequential File Output (Variables)
9.  Sequential File Input (Variables)
10.  Writing and Reading Text Using Sequential Files
11.  Random Access Files
12.  User-Defined Variables
13.  Writing and Reading Random Access Files
14.  Using the Open and Save Common Dialog Boxes
      G. Graphics Techniques with Visual Basic
1.  Graphics Methods
2.  Using Colors
3.  Mouse Events
4.  Drag and Drop Events
5.  Timer Tool and Delays
6.  Animation Techniques
7.  Random Numbers (Revisited) and Games
8.  Randomly Sorting N Integers
9.  User-Defined Coordinates
10.  Simple Function Plotting (Line Charts)
11.  Simple Bar Charts
      F. Database Access and Management
1.  Database Structure and Terminology
2.  ADO Data Control
3.  Data Links
4.  Assigning Tables
5.  Bound Data Tools
6.  Creating a Virtual Table
7.  Finding Specific Records
8.  Data Manager
9.  Database Management
10.  Custom Data Aware Controls
11.  Creating a Data Report
      G. Dynamic Link Libraries and the Windows API
1.  Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL)
2.  Accessing the Windows API With DLL
3.  Timing with DLL Calls
4.  Drawing Ellipses
5.  Drawing Lines
6.  Drawing Polygons
7.  Sounds with DLL Calls - Other Beeps
8.  More Elaborate Sounds
9.  Playing Sounds Quickly
10.  Fun With Graphics
11.  Flicker Free Animation
12.  A Bit of Multimedia
      H. Other Visual Basic Topics
1.  Custom Controls
2.  Masked Edit Control
3.  Chart Control
4.  Multimedia Control
5.  Rich Textbox Control
6.  Slider Control
7.  Tabbed Dialog Control
8.  UpDown Control
9.  Toolbar Control
10.  Using the Windows Clipboard
11.  Printing with Visual Basic
12.  Multiple Form Visual Basic Applications
13.  Visual Basic Multiple Document Interface (MDI)
14.  Creating a Help File
15.  Class Summary

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