Monday, December 12, 2011

Hand out 002 ( Programming 2) Visual Studio 2008

Hand out 002 ( Programming 2)
Working with Toolbox Controls
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
􀁑 Use TextBox and Button controls to create a Hello World program.
􀁑 Use the DateTimePicker control to display your birth date.
􀁑 Use CheckBox, RadioButton, ListBox, and ComboBox controls to process user input.
􀁑 Use the LinkLabel control and the Process.Start method to display a Web page by using
your system’s default browser.

Example Program 2
Create a Hello World program
1. Start Visual Studio 2008 if it isn’t already open.
2. On the File menu, click New Project.
Visual Studio displays the New Project dialog box, which prompts you for the name of your project and for the template that you want to use.
3. Ensure that the Visual Basic project type and the Windows category are selected, and then click the Windows Forms Application template.
These selections indicate that you’ll be building a stand-alone Visual Basic application that will run under Windows.
4. Remove the default project name (WindowsApplication1) from the Name text box, and then type MyHello.
5. Click OK to create your new project.
6. Click the TextBox control on the Common Controls tab of the Toolbox.
7. Draw a text box similar to this:
8. Click the Button control in the Toolbox.
9. Draw a button below the text box on the form.
10. Set the following property for the button object by using the Properties window:
Object             Property        Setting
Button1           Text                 2 objects
11. Double-click the OK button, and type the following program statement between the
Private Sub Button1_Click and End Sub statements in the Code Editor:
TextBox1.Text = "Hello, world!"         

12. Run the Hello World program
Example Program 3
Using the DateTimePicker Control
The Birthday Program
The Birthday program uses a DateTimePicker control and a Button control to prompt the user for the date of his or her birthday. It then displays that information by using a message box.
Give it a try now.
Build the Birthday program
1. On the File menu, click Close Project to close the MyHello project. The files associated with the Hello World program close.
2. On the File menu, click New Project.
The New Project dialog box opens.
3. Create a new Visual Basic Windows Forms Application project named MyBirthday. The new project is created, and a blank form appears in the Designer.
4. Click the DateTimePicker control in the Toolbox.
5. Draw a date/time picker object in the middle of the form, as shown in the following illustration.
The date/time picker object by default displays the current date, but you can adjust the displayed date by changing the object’s Value property. Displaying the date is a handy design guide—it lets you size the date/time picker object appropriately when you’re creating it.
6. Click the Button control in the Toolbox, and then add a button object below the date/time picker. You’ll use this button to display your birth date and to verify that the date/time picker works correctly.
7. In the Properties window, change the Text property of the button object to Show My
Birthday. Now you’ll add a few lines of program code to a procedure associated with the button
object. This is an event procedure because it runs when an event, such as a mouse click, occurs, or fires, in the object.
8. Double-click the button object on the form to display its default event procedure, and then type the following program statements between the Private Sub and End Sub statements in the Button1_Click event procedure:

MsgBox("Your birth date was " & DateTimePicker1.Text)
MsgBox("Day of the year: " & _

These program statements display two message boxes (small dialog boxes) with information from the date/time picker object. The first line uses the Text property of the date/time picker to display the birth date information you select when using the object at run time. The MsgBox function displays the string value “Your birth date was” in addition to the textual value held in the date/time picker’s Text property. These two pieces of information are joined together by the string concatenation operator (&).
The second and third lines collectively form one program statement and have been broken by the line continuation character (_) because the statement was a bit too long to print in this book.
The statement DateTimePicker1.Value.DayOfYear.ToString() uses the date/time picker  object to calculate the day of the year in which you were born, counting from January
1. This is accomplished by the DayOfYear property and the ToString method, which converts the numeric result of the date calculation to a textual value that’s more easily displayed by the MsgBox function.
Methods are special statements that perform an action or a service for a particular object, such as converting a number to a string or adding items to a list box. Methods differ from properties, which contain a value, and event procedures, which execute when a user manipulates an object. Methods can also be shared among objects, so when you learn how to use a particular method, you’ll often be able to apply it to several circumstances.
After you enter the code for the Button1_Click event procedure, the Code Editor looks
similar to this:

9. Click the Save All button to save your changes your folder location.
Now you’re ready to run the Birthday program.
Run the Birthday program

A Word About Terminology
Program statement
A program statement is a line of code in a Visual Basic program, a self-contained instruction
executed by the Visual Basic compiler that performs useful work within the application. Program statements can vary in length (some contain only one Visual Basic keyword!), but all program statements must follow syntax rules defined and enforced by the Visual Basic compiler. In Visual Studio 2008, program statements can be composed of keywords, properties, object names, variables, numbers, special symbols, and other values.

A keyword is a reserved word within the Visual Basic language that is recognized by the Visual Basic compiler and performs useful work. (For example, the End keyword stops program execution.) Keywords are one of the basic building blocks of program statements; they work together with objects, properties, variables, and other values to form complete lines of code and (therefore) instructions for the compiler and operating system.
Most keywords are shown in blue type in the Code Editor.
A variable is a special container used to hold data temporarily in a program. The programmer   creates variables by using the Dim statement and then uses these variables to store the results of a calculation, file names, input, and so on. Numbers, names, and property values can be stored in variables.
A control is a tool you use to create objects in a Visual Basic program (most commonly, objects are created on a form). You select controls from the Toolbox and use them to draw objects with the mouse on a form. You use most controls to create user interface elements, such as buttons, picture boxes, and list boxes.
An object is an element that you create in a Visual Basic program with a control in the Toolbox. (In addition, objects are sometimes supplied by other system components and many of these objects contain data.) In Visual Basic, the form itself is also an object. Technically speaking, objects are instances of a class that supports properties, methods, and events. Objects also have what is known as inherent functionality—they know how to operate and can respond to certain situations on their own. (A list box “knows” how to scroll, for example.)
A class is a blueprint or template for one or more objects that defines what the object does. Accordingly, a class defi nes what an object can do, but is not the object itself. In Visual Basic, you can use existing Visual Studio classes (like System.Math and System. Windows.Forms.Form), and you can build your own classes and inherit properties, methods, and events from them. (Inheritance allows one class to acquire the pre-existing interface and behavior characteristics of another class.) Although classes might sound esoteric at this point, they are a key feature of Visual Studio 2008, and in this book, you will use them to build user interfaces rapidly and to extend the work that you do to other programming projects.
A namespace is a hierarchical library of classes organized under a unique name, such as System.Windows or System.Diagnostics. To access the classes and underlying objects within a namespace, you place an Imports statement at the top of your program code. Every project in Visual Studio also has a root namespace, which is set using the project’s Properties page. Namespaces are referred to as object libraries or class libraries in Visual Studio books and documentation.
A property is a value, or characteristic, held by an object. For example, a button object has a Text property to specify the text that appears on the button and an Image property to specify the path to an image fi le that should appear on the button face. In Visual Basic, properties can be set at design time by using the Properties window or at run time by using statements in the program code. In code, the format for setting a property is
Object.Property = Value
where Object is the name of the object you’re customizing, Property is the characteristic you want to change, and Value is the new property setting. For example,
Button1.Text = "Hello"
could be used in the program code to set the Text property of the Button1 object to “Hello”.
Event procedure
An event procedure is a block of code that’s executed when an object is manipulated in a program. For example, when the Button1 object is clicked, the Button1_Click event procedure is executed. Event procedures typically evaluate and set properties and use other program statements to perform the work of the program.
A method is a special statement that performs an action or a service for a particular object in a program. In program code, the notation for using a method is Object.Method(Value)
where Object is the name of the object you want to work with, Method is the action
you want to perform, and Value is an optional argument to be used by the method.
For example, the statement
uses the Add method to put the word Check in the ListBox1 list box. Methods and properties
are often identified by their position in a collection or object library, so don’t be surprised if you see long references such as System.Drawing.Image.FromFile, which would
be read as “the FromFile method, which is a member of the Image class, which is a member
of the System.Drawing object library.”
Controls for Gathering Input
Visual Basic provides several mechanisms for gathering input in a program. Text boxes accept typed input, menus present commands that can be clicked or chosen with the keyboard, and dialog boxes offer a variety of elements that can be chosen individually or selected in a group. In this exercise, you’ll learn how to use four important controls that help you gather input in several different situations. You’ll learn about the RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, and ComboBox controls. You’ll explore each of these objects as you use a Visual Basic program called Input Controls, which is the user interface for a simple, graphics-based ordering system. As you run the program, you’ll get some hands-on experience with the input objects. In the next chapter, I’ll discuss how these objects can be used along with menus in a full-fl edged program. As a simple experiment, try using the CheckBox control now to see how user input is
processed on a form and in program code.
Experiment with the CheckBox control

Example Program 4
1. On the File menu, click Close Project to close the Birthday project.
2. On the File menu, click New Project.
The New Project dialog box opens.
3. Create a new Visual Basic Windows Forms Application project named MyCheckBox.
The new project is created, and a blank form appears in the Designer.
4. Click the CheckBox control in the Toolbox.
5. Draw two check box objects on the form, one above the other. Check boxes appear as objects on your form just as other objects do. You’ll have to click the CheckBox control in the Toolbox a second time for the second check box.
6. Using the PictureBox control, draw two square picture box objects beneath the two
check boxes.
7. Set the following properties for the check box and picture box objects:
Object             Property                    Setting
CheckBox1      Checked                      True
“Calculator”    CheckBox2                  “Copy machine”
PictureBox1     Image                         select your picture
SizeMode                    StretchImage
PictureBox2     SizeMode                    StretchImage
In this walkthrough, you’ll use the check boxes to display and hide images of a calculator and a copy machine. The Text property of the check box object determines the contents of the check box label in the user interface. With the Checked property, you can set a default value for the check box. Setting Checked to True places a check mark in the box, and setting Checked to False (the default setting) removes the check mark. I use the SizeMode properties in the picture boxes to size the images so that they stretch to fi t in the picture box.
Your form looks something like this:   
8. Double-click the first check box object to open the CheckBox1_CheckedChanged event procedure in the Code Editor, and then enter the following program code:
If CheckBox1.CheckState = 1 Then
PictureBox1.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile (locate your picture selected)

PictureBox1.Visible = True
PictureBox1.Visible = False
End If
The CheckBox1_CheckedChanged event procedure runs only if the user clicks in the first
check box object. The event procedure uses an If…Then decision structure  to confirm the current status, or state, of the first check box, and it displays a calculator picture from the folder if a check mark is in the box. The CheckState property holds a value of 1 if there’s a check mark present and 0 if there’s no check mark present. (You can also use the CheckState.  Checked enumeration, which appears in IntelliSense when you type, as an alternative to setting the value to 1.) I use the Visible property to display the picture if a check mark is present or to hide the picture if a check mark isn’t present.
9. Click the View Designer button in Solution Explorer to display the form again,
double-click the second check box, and then add the following code to the
CheckBox2_Checked-Changed event procedure:
If CheckBox2.CheckState = 1 Then
PictureBox2.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile _
(locate another picture you want)
PictureBox2.Visible = True
PictureBox2.Visible = False
End If
This event procedure is almost identical to the one that you just entered; only the names of the image (copymach), the check box object (CheckBox2), and the picture box object (PictureBox2) are different.
10. Click the Save All button on the Standard toolbar to save your changes, specifying the
folder as the location.
Run the CheckBox program

Exercises No. 1
Create the following form like this:

If the users press the button for PC it will display the picture of computer on the first box.
If the users press the button for Macintosh it will display the picture of Macintosh on the first box.
If the users press the button for Laptop it will display the picture of laptop on the first box.

If the users check the answering machine it will display the picture answering machine on the 2nd box.
If the users check the answering calculator it will display the picture calculator on the 3rd box.
If the users check the copy machine it will display the picture copy machine on the 4th box.

Under payment method user will select on the following value ( Cash, credit)

Under List Box  it will display the different peripheral devices such as CPU, disk Drive, CD Rom

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